Monday, May 19, 2008

My tips for frugality when making purchases...

My tips for frugality when making purchases...

Make a list of what you/your family consumes.
Divide that list into wants and needs.
If your wants outnumber your needs, it's time to reprioritize.
Learn how often you go through the products/items.
Learn your prices.
Comparison shop; Don't be afraid to shop online.
Most companies will send you online coupons or mail you coupons if you contact them or join their (e)mailing list.
Learn when the products/items you buy go on sale, save coupons for those items and stock up.

Things to consider

Can you get this item free somehow? Craigslist, freecycle, church/place of worship?

Could you buy it gently used from a thrift store, flea market, yard sale, rummage sale, online local resellers group, Craigslist, Freecycle, church/place of worship?

Can you use an alternative currency for this purchase? (barter of services, goods, online points/rewards)

Keep in mind that cheap does not necessarily equal frugal.
Compare quality and longevity of items/products purchase to price.

1 comment:

FlipFlop Mom said...

I agree...
This summer I'm on a scout for a woodstove... I don't want to pay for oil like I did last winter.. UGH.. so I've checked Craigs list... and maybe yardsales this summer.. however.. I don't want to wait to long...

I might even put a request in on Freecycle... you never know??

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