Monday, May 19, 2008

Taking a look at choices

Having spent many hours in contemplation, I have come to realize that life is about choices.

Whenever I begin to speak about choices I often hear, "I did not choose for my loved one to die, etc." To this I say, yes that was not your choice but please understand; There are many obstacles thrown in our way but we also create many of our own by the choices that we make.

Taking responsibility for how your life "turned out" is often difficult. It's hard to look at the raw truth but it is something that must be done. If we can take an honest look at ourselves we can find a patchwork of choices made. The good, the bad - it is all interwoven in our minds.

"....I wish xyz would have happened... or if only I had done abc I would not be in the (spiritual, financial, medical, emotional, physical...) position that I am in today... if I...." STOP

We cannot change the past but we can learn from it. Let's start taking deliberate steps to empower ourselves to make the most appropriate and fruitful choices for ourselves and our families. Let's peel the scab off and really look.

1 comment:

FlipFlop Mom said...

This is so true.. I believe everything comes from God.. yet he gives us free choice....
When I read these survey's on Myspace... with the question..

What is one thing you regret...??

Well.. I always answer life's to short for regrets.. what'd done is done.. we learn from it and move on!!

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